March 2023

Woman being captured and raped by monsters.

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Woman being captured and raped by monsters.

My name is Mark Williams and I am a member of the Gold Fist. In fact, you could say, I AM the Gold Fist. The first, the founder, its leader, and the voice and right hand of the fight. I have written this for you, my brothers and sisters, because it is in your name that we fight, and I want you to know the truth.

There are some who would prefer the truth to be forgotten. I do not condemn them because I understand that their fear is too reasonable, although they wish it were crazy. They believe that hope is meaningless, that the fight cannot be won, therefore we must simply forget about it and hope that calamity does not befall our time. I need not point out the selfishness in this way of thinking.

Like I said, though I get it. Our fight is against enemies who cannot be killed, who know neither fear nor pain, creatures, because they are not men, who see us as little more than toys. But your arrogance, my brothers…will be the key to our victory, just as the great Achilles fell from a single arrow, so we will exploit the weaknesses of our monstrous opponents and throw them back into the abyss from which they came.

I will share with you the story of one of the victims of our enemies. Through this you will know that his works are evil and must be stopped. Once you understand the depravity and evil we are fighting against, I think you will see that this is something that cannot be ignored.

Her name was Hailey Milleson, and she was a beautiful girl. Spectacled, sophisticated, a girl of high birth and esteemed in her community as pious before the Lord and learned in the ways of society. If some found fault with Ms. Milleson it was her confidence, her professional attitude and her zeal for the sport that some saw as unwomanly. She was a free spirit, traveling often and exploring New England as if it were a distant frontier, with herself as the fearless Daniel Boone.

Tragedy struck her with a suddenness as unexpected as it was complete and ruinous. On May 1, 1932, Mrs. Milleson decided to take a vacation to the New England seacoast and venture out on some adventure to delight her mind. A group of hikers found her on the beach with torn clothes, broken glasses and bruised skin. She was taken to a nearby hotel where a doctor treated her. However, she did not receive the tender care due to someone she had suffered so much, for within days she was committed to Arkham Asylum, another delusional lunatic unable to walk in society.

I must say that her men treated her as indifferently as the beasts had treated her, but part of it was her fault. When she was asked about her injuries, she erupted violently, screaming about fishmen and a great monster lord. She twice attempted to cut her wrist, once she rushed the attending physician. She couldn’t calm down and so she passed into the hands of those who were believed to know best what to do with her.

She rotted in a cell for four months, the first month she had to be force-fed because she had decided to end her miserable existence by starving. Like in a Greek tragedy, in the fourth act there was hope that she could be helped. A Doctor Waite was intrigued by her case. He spent countless hours with her, hoping to dispel her delusions, or at least lift her out of the all-consuming, life-threatening depression. A student of Freud, he believed that the psychosis of all inmates should help them cope. In this case, however, Mrs. Milleson’s fantasy world was actually worse than anything he could have speculated she could have happened to him. He redacted some details of the case and published them in the American Journal of Psychology. I am an avid follower of this publication, for our enemy shows his plans in the madness of men, and in his ravings I have come to learn more about them than they could possibly realize.

I arrived at the Asylum in September. I introduced myself to the staff and to Doctor Waite under a fictitious identity. I affirmed that he was a researcher of rare forms of mental disorders, and that upon reading the case I decided to come and offer my help. This this was easy for me to get through, before I started my fight I was a magician. Acting came naturally to me. In fact, in a sense I AM a researcher of mental disorders. I was impressed by my tall stature, my well-groomed goatee, and my knowledge of the field. Dr. Waite seemed delighted after he introduced me. He told me that a fresh perspective was just what his case needed and that he would be more than willing to let me work with her. He invited me into his office where we sat down and he told me everything he knew and much he had guessed about Hailey Milleson.

“It’s pretty obvious to me,” he began, “that the poor girl was raped by a gang of men.s. The bruises on her body must be caused by the ropes used to bind her. What I don’t understand is why she chooses to believe that she was raped by monsters, that the bruises were made by what she describes as elongated genitalia, with such force and mobility that she was lifted and tied up so brutally that blood drew from her cheeks. A few points. This seems like a much worse fate to me than being mugged by a few drunken men, don’t you agree?”

I considered the Doctor’s words carefully. It was true what he said. No one would want to replace a painful reality with momentous horror. But as he already suspected, the woman was not crazy nor was she fanciful.

“Certainly,” I replied, “but perhaps at the time of the assault her mind was so damaged that to her men seemed like monsters, and that is the impression that has stayed with her. Let me ask you Doctor, how have you been? ?” tried to treat her?”

Doctor Waite wrung his arms in frustration. For a moment he looked his sixty years old, his gray beard and hair making him look like Washington, tired from the long winter in Valley Forge. “I’ve tried everything!” he lamented “Now, normally, with a patient like Milleson, who’s still pretty new here, I wouldn’t be so angry, after all, healing the mind takes time, but this woman doesn’t even begin to respond. It’s like there’s a wall bricks between her and the first step toward any kind of recovery. I once asked her to tell me the story, but since then she just sulks and ignores me, unless I push her too hard, in which case she just flies into a rage. or a fit of despair and screams at the top of her lungs while trying to harm herself or others.”

We discussed the details of her case for some time, she finally informed me that she had other matters to attend to and that she would have a nurse take me to Mrs. Milleson, best of luck. I was led to the patients’ room where, upon arrival, I was greeted by a large guard with an annoyed expression on his face. He warned me not to talk to Mrs. Milleson alone and offered to walk me inside. I smiled indian xxx videos at her and informed her that she would be quite safe. He gave me a doubtful smile.

Mrs. Milleson had once been a beautiful woman, and some of that remained, but the last four months of her life had clearly taken their toll. She was little more than skin and bones, her flesh a pale, sickly color. I greeted her in my friendliest manner and sat down on her bed next to her. I half expected some sign of fear, for her to back away from me to the corner, but she just looked at me disinterestedly.

I started by beating around the bush with her. I introduced myself and asked her how she felt (she responded well), told her that Dr. Waite was a great caregiver and other nonsense conversation exercises. I let an hour go by without mentioning anything to do with her attack, but then I decided to take the plunge.

“Tell me miss, has she ever heard the name of Cthulhu?” This was met with a calm expression and a denial.

“There are many people,” I began, “who say they hear about him in his dreams. Has this ever happened to you?” Her eyes widened at this, and I knew she had hit on something, but the panic and anger didn’t show. This confirmed to me that Cthulhu and his cults were not involved. I went through a list of names, tried various pronunciations of some, and got nothing out of it until I said, “And have you ever heard the name Dagon?”

A chill ran through her body and she hugged herself, closing her eyes.

“I see. I’m sorry about what happened to you, miss, and I hate to bring you back to life, but I really need to know everything you know. You see, in your encounter with this creature you may have learned something that could be incredibly valuable.”

She looked at me suspiciously, the implications of what she’d said taking in. “Useful information…” she complied “Don’t you think I’m crazy?”

“Do you think you’re crazy?” I said in all sincerity. She laughed and smiled at me. It was a hollow, awful sound, but I tried to show nothing more than a comforting, worried face.

“That’s what they tell me,” she said. I saw that Dr. Waite was right, trying to dig into the event to quickly find a panic attack. Her breathing was becoming labored and her composition trembled from what we had already discussed. I decided to try a roundabout route and get it out.

“How have your sessions with Doctor Waite been?” I asked.

She looked at the ground, rubbing her left arm with her hand. “He walks in and tells me to explain why they found me…the way I was…before they brought me here. I don’t like to talk about it. Every time I do, he starts telling me how I am.” crazy and that I need to focus on the real story… It makes me so mad,” as she said the latter, she clenched her fist and frowned.I dream talking softly and looking live porn videos at the chair across from us as if I wish the Doctor was there now so I could wring his neck.

I reached out and put my hand around his shoulder. She shuddered and stepped back for a moment, then after looking at me for a moment, she relaxed. I squeezed her shoulder and said, “Why do you want to kill yourself for that?”

Her anger seemed to drain from her, whether from the intimate contact or the direction of the conversation, I don’t know.

Her voice cracked as she spoke, “I…have been chosen by him.”

This made my eyes go wide, because the Ancients don’t pay special attention to humans. I was surprised to learn that a human had survived an encounter with one of them, but I simply assumed a lucky escape had occurred, which her next words proved not to be the case.

I will be the mother of your children.

I felt at that moment that it could be me having a screaming fit. Could this woman really be crazy? What she said was impossible, my mind couldn’t accept it.

She looked at me with concern now, seeing my horrified expression. “Are you OK?” she asked, putting her arm around my shoulder. I took a deep breath and calmed down. “I need to know what you know, Mrs. Milleson.”

She backed away from me a bit, “Dr. Waite wrote everything I told him, you can read his notes.”

“No, he didn’t,” I told him. “Dr. Waite wrote, ‘subject has paranoid delusions of being hunted, patient believes fish-men assaulted her.’ Dr. Waite doesn’t know what I know, I can’t understand his experience. I can. I can offer you something real in exchange for your information.

She looked at me warily, “I think you have more to tell me than I have to tell you Dumonte.”

I nodded. “You’re right, and I want to tell you everything, but first I need to know what you know. I want you to tell me everything that happened to you, down to the smallest detail. If you do this, I can offer you your protection.”

The idea of hope and someone who understood her story had a great effect on Mrs. Milleson. She lay back on the bed and I sat across from her. It was a long time before she started, and she quickly stopped, unable to speak through her tears. She then she started again, and this is what she told me.

* * *

Mrs. Milleson was carrying a large revolver that she had painted red with intricate designs. This was a touch to her personality that, along with porn free video her zeal for hiking and her indomitable will, made her something of a vagabond in the eyes of some members of her community. But if she was a vagabond, she was the eccentric type who somehow managed to follow the laws of society and irritate those to whom she should show due respect.

She told me that the last moments of her happiness in her life were spent painting the sunset. She was in the field, where she had been walking when she was struck by the glow of the sky as the sun set and a blaze of colors illuminated the horizon. Once the sun went down, she resolved to sleep there and see what the sun looked like when she rose on the opposite side of the world.

She was awakened in the night by the sound of twigs breaking, she was not alarmed at first, for it was almost certainly a small animal passing her, but thinking she might meet a bear, Mrs. Milleson drew her revolver. from his backpack. and she crouched down, waiting to see if anything would show.

And something happened, it was a moment that would burn like a hot iron in her mind. The creatures that came out of the shadows, apparently from nightmares, and entered this physical world, were not bears, nor were they any other animal that modern science recognizes. They were horrible, large things in the shape of a human, but they didn’t look like humans at all. They had the appearance of reptiles, or fish, in their skin and claw-like hands, large months, and bulging eyes. A taunt of distortions danced across her flesh, and Hailey stared at them in amazement and horror.

She tells me that at first she had no intention of shooting them. Her appearance excited her curiosity more than her fear and her first thought was to hide and watch them. but somehow, probably through her scent, they already knew she was there, and they walked right up to her.

She stepped back from them quickly, and the faster she moved, the faster they came. She yelled for them to stop and fired a warning shot, still unsure if killing such unknown beings was a good idea, but once the distance became very close, she aimed the barrel of her gun at the first’s chest and fired. twice.

Things stopped and her target grabbed her chest, made a painful gasp and withdrew his hands, the other stepped forward and together they examined the bullets she carried. At that moment, Hailey turned and sprinted east. She told me that she always wrote down the location of the last house she passed when shevwhat a space As she shrieked, she opened her mouth and the thing immediately pushed her swollen organ across its soft tongue and into her throat, setting off a gagging fit.

Hailey was staring transfixed at the disgusting thing fucking the poor woman’s innocent mouth when she felt her hand grab the top of her head and bring her face to face with the crotch of the monster that held her. The tip of her cock was sticking out of her pocket and Hailey was pushed into her. She closed her eyes and closed her mouth as she rubbed her face against her strange sexual organ. Hailey felt she would be sickened as the goo coating her growing erection seeped between her lips and stained her cheeks.

The thought of her cheeks brought to mind what was happening to the widow and Hailey decided to try a different form of resistance, so she opened her mouth and swallowed his cock as deep as she could. The creature made a strange rasping noise that might have been pleasure just before Hailey bit down as hard as she could. She chewed on the member and moved her head from side to side pulling on it. The creature froze, and Hailey opened her eyes to meet his face.

The thing showed no signs of pain, in fact, if one could read its unnatural face from it, the interpretation of it could only be that it had an expression of curiosity. Hailey’s brief moment of hope that she at least she could be killed without being subjected to this inhuman attack on her dignity was dashed. She felt her own tears begin to well up as the thing began to caress her face.

Both women wept silently in front of the sofa, held across their knees by beasts as the sounds of wet slurps, gagging, and sometimes meat smacking their faces filled the room. Side by side, the strangers were raped in the same way and Hailey tried to disconnect from her body. She now knew that things were pretty clever, because her attack had been very timed. The way one expected the other to return meant a partnership and a plan of action. Besides, the creature’s oral ravages were actually far less bestial than Hailey might have expected. The creatures’ blows were steady, and for the most part they didn’t sink their tools to the point of purposely gagging.

Hailey looked at Catherine and saw drool trickle out of her mouth and down her neck. The creature that was feeding her cock began porno movies to pant heavily. Hailey saw the surprise on the widow’s face as the thing let out a shriek and she began to come. Thick white liquid leaked from the sides of Catherine’s mouth as she began to gag and struggle, but the beast held her firmly in place as she slowly pressed his entire length against Catherine’s throat, spraying his cum directly down her throat. throat. At one point she was out and the women gasped for air, falling to the ground as her captor released her grip and stepped back.

The cock in Hailey’s mouth stopped moving and her assailant saw the widow begin to cough and roll on the floor, screaming. The woman crept into a nearby corner, putting her hand to her face, wiping the cum from her chin as she spit and coughed. Hailey and the two creatures stared at her as she began to faint. Her chest heaved and she gasped for air, then she vomited and passed out in the pool of cum she’d vomited.

The thing that had placed that burden on her shook her head, her most human expression yet, and her shoulders slumped. Terror and a strange curiosity mixed in Hailey as her lips once again began to serve the monster violating her mouth. As the flow of mud from her cock increased, she knew she was close to feeding him her seed. What would they think of her reaction? Why did they seem disappointed in what the widow had done? Surely, they couldn’t expect another reaction!

She felt drool running down her neck and between her chest, sweaty and panting with her frantic breaths. This taste in her mouth was like nothing she could place outside of a hint of salt. A pulse ran through the organ and the bumpy surface of her stretched her lips wide, thrusting in and out faster now, writhing and shuddering in a sickening way. Hailey closed her eyes as the thing began to spurt semen into her mouth. She made no attempt to swallow and let him trickle from the corners of her mouth. Too late she realized that was what the widow had done, and the sight of her seed spilling out of her caused the thing to push her head deep into her cock, thrusting her tongue out. from her to her throat.

She struggled and slammed into her legs as she felt the fluid run down the back of her throat and into her stomach. She was horrified atmuch that there was, it was like swallowing a liter of stale milk. Finally though the flow faded and the creature slowly withdrew from her mouth. She coughed and curled into a ball, hoping to vomit and be granted merciful sleep like her widow.

The monsters stood over her and watched intently. She sobbed for several moments before they began to dance around the room, slapping her hands together and howling with delight. Hailey, naturally taken aback, sat up and watched them. They calmed down after knocking over a nice piece of furniture and seemed to converse in harsh voices, though they barely sounded like words. Then the one who had forced her reached for her and with surprising delicacy (but also with a strength that brooked no argument) lifted her into her arms.

He took her at night on a strange journey during which she lay in the arms of a beast and dozed like a child, for though she was terrified she was exhausted too. She fell asleep and woke up several times. She had no idea how long they walked or in what direction, but down dark paths under the bright moon they came to a cave. The tunnels they walked through went through so many twists and turns that Hailey knew she could never find her way through them and despair washed over her again, for even though she had realized they weren’t going to kill her, now she realized He realized that he would never escape from them. .

They finally took her to a cage, deep underground with her. The creatures placed her in a large cage deep in the cave, near where she could smell and hear the sounds of the ocean rising through the rocks somewhere nearby. The walls were lit by torches that burned a pale blue and never seemed to go out. She was not alone in the dark prison, in the middle of a collection of blankets 3 other women were huddled.

An oriental woman spoke for them, she was an English and Chinese translator, and she had experienced a similar rape, being porn online forced by things, which she was now convinced must have been the Deep Ones, to drink her semen. . Her name was Mei Wu and she had been here before the others, waiting in the cage for almost two weeks, as far as she could tell. The Deep Ones are a strange breed of servants of the Old Ones, and Dagon in particular, I think. At the time Mrs. Milleson related this to me, she had not fully realized what it was about. The others were an African and a Russian, neither of whom knew English or Chinese, which left them out of the conversation.

Together they sat miserably in the dark, dank cavern and finally fell asleep. During the night, Hailey dreamed of strange places and things, in particular, she recalled wandering through a deserted city holding the hand of a Deep One. They made their way through steep, curving streets toward the center, on which stood a great monolith. The Deep One entered and she waited, looking up at a sky whose stars swirled unnaturally. Then the Deep One emerged and pushed a baby carriage towards her.

She laughed at the ridiculous sight of the creature and its princess-themed pink carriage, then she turned to walk away. As he did, he saw behind her the massive shape of a creature whose name popped into her mind without her looking for it.


She woke with a start and felt a comforting hand on her shoulder. He was a man, dressed in black robes, his face covered with tattoos of some unknown script.

“The master is quite pleased with you, Mrs. Milleson, everything is being prepared for you to join him.”

Hailey narrowed her eyes at him, “How do you know my name?”

“Lord Dagon spoke to me of you in his sleep, just as he spoke to you, though you probably only remember a little of it. What a great honor he gives you! To give birth to his daughter! I must admit, I envy you.”

The man’s face took on a wild look of wonder as he spoke of this, and Milleson saw madness in her eyes. Worse still, she imagined the horrors that awaited her at the hands of some monstrous demon. The man led her out of the cage and into a room that had been painstakingly carved out of the rock itself. This room was better lit and furnished with a bed and nightstand, as well as a large dresser. A Deep One was making the bed when they came in, and he bowed to her as he left.

They left her in the room and brought her food. At first, she sat on the bed trembling with fear at the madness she had fallen into, but her stomach growled and her hunger would not be denied. She ate fish and some unknown vegetable that might have been seaweed (very well prepared and tasty seaweed) and lay on the bed, not bothering with the clothes or makeup that had obviously been left there for her.

A Deep One guarded the door, she approachedó after a while and found that he seemed to show his respect, even reverence, but he wouldn’t let her go more than a few steps from the door. Eventually, the man, who was able to see that she was some kind of priest, returned and ordered her to follow him. They walked to a cavern in which there was a large pool, the surface lapping against the rock in small waves and smelling of the ocean. Hailey’s breath caught as she saw the dark skinned African woman being taken away, obviously she had been brutalized and she Hailey saw blood running down her legs.

The Chinese woman was tied to a post naked, with her arms behind her back. Sweat made her skin glisten in the flickering light of her torches. She looked at Hailey fearfully and muttered something in her native language. Another pole, with chains dangling on either side, was Hailey’s destination. Her hands were cuffed and she was shaking with terror. Around her feet, the priest began drawing on the ground with purple chalk. He drew stars and strange symbols around her feet, some may have been constellations, others were letters and hieroglyphics from a language lost for eons.

Hailey heard the Chinese woman scream and after looking at her and seeing the look on her face she looked towards the water. The surface of it bubbled and then several long tentacles emerged from beneath the waters. Each one was unique. The largest one was very smooth and had a rounded end with a small hole. Another was like the cock she’d been forced to drink from earlier, all bumps and a pointy end. Two had cups at the end, the insides bristling with hair. Lastly, she saw one that ended in a head like an uncircumcised human male.

The strange appendages approached Ms. Wu without hesitation. Hailey saw that she was not only dripping with ocean water, but a clear liquid much like that of the Deep One oozing out of the pores and running down the long shafts.

The first to reach the fighting oriental woman were the cupped couple. One landed on her neck, another on her leg. She cried out even louder at his touch sex movies and as they began to crawl around her skin. Hailey watched as they left a red trail behind her as they sucked on her skin. At one point they withdrew and then rejoined. Mei Wu stopped screaming and gasped, the hickeys left by the sucking tentacles no longer as deep, apparently having eased.

The spiky and bumpy cock floated inches from Ms. Wu’s face, and she looked at it with unhappy resignation. She opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue as if inviting her to get it over with. The tentacle reached out, but she didn’t go for her expectant throat right away. She rubbed around her face, dripping liquid onto her cheeks. She jerked away from her and slapped her across the face. She sobbed as the thing stirred, hitting her cheeks and rubbing around her face. Finally though she pushed between her lips. Hailey watched as her cheeks cupped, and occasionally her mouth dropped open and she could see her tongue working the tip of the thing.

Hailey thought it was logical to try to make the monster come so she could finish, but she doubted she could bring herself to actively participate in the sick rape of her own body.

Meanwhile, the suction cups had found the woman’s breast. One of it latched on to her left nipple and tugged at her and shook her entire breast as she moved in the air. The other worked the smooth globe of her, leaving marks all over the flesh of her throbbing chest.

The tentacle with the human penis slid behind Wu and then slid down her behind. The woman growled loudly with her mouth full of cock. Her unprotected buttocks spread open as the well-lubricated member entered her anus and plunged deep into her rectum. Hailey couldn’t tell how much of the thing pushed inside her, but she was sure it was a painful amount. Her entire body began to bounce as she began to brutally fuck her ass.

Then her largest appendage, smooth with a rounded, blunt end, moved before her. Ms. Wu’s complacency ended when she saw how thick the thing was. It was at least as thick as a baseball bat, probably thicker. She kicked him and closed her legs. In response, the cock in her mouth came out of her and wrapped around her neck. She choked on it as she squeezed it and lifted her into the air. The rape of her butt continued as she suffocated and she didn’t even stop when she passed out.

The tentacles lifted her limp body from the post and laid her on the ground, Hailey saw her chest begin to rise and fall again, though she remained unconscious as the large tentacle spread its legs and began rubbing the slimy end of her across all her pussy The woman let out a moan and opened her eyes just as the thing forced the massive girth of her against her delicate cunt.

Her scream was cut off whenor his mouth was covered again by a monster cock. Her body writhed on the floor as he was fucked in all three of her holes, the sound of her ass hitting the cave floor echoing off the walls. All of this was watched intently by a crowd of Deep Ones, along with the priest and Hailey.

Hailey’s stomach turned as she watched. She knew that she was getting a front row seat to what she was about to experience. The priest walked over to her and held up a large, worn, leather-bound book. He read its pages in a language unknown to Mrs. Milleson, and as he did, she witnessed the ultimate impossible event. At her feet, the chalk she had drawn on the ground began to glow a vibrant purple, and heat seemed to rise from the ground at her feet.

Her attention returned to Ms. Wu when she saw the tentacle in the woman’s mouth come out of her and spray copious amounts of her semen onto her face and her parted lips. The tentacle on her ass came out as well, a trail of semen oozing from between the soft globes of her ass. These tentacles wrapped around her arms and turned her upside down. Her bottom rose into the air as her large member continued to pump into her stretched tunnel.

One of the suction cups moved under her body and firmly planted on Ms. Wu’s clit. She cried out in surprise and rose up into her arms, arching her back. Mei’s grunts mixed with gasps and moans, she then began to moan in obvious pleasure.

Hailey told me that she looked at the woman with a scornful expression, thinking that she was some kind of depraved whore. When her eyes met just as Mei began to come, she saw a look of embarrassment cloud her face and Hailey felt ashamed of herself. The oriental woman dropped her head to the floor and gasped as the thing ripped out of her aching cunt and she blew out a stream of cum with the force of a fire hose. She splashed xnxx porn videos down his back and covered her ass, down the sides of her tits to puddle on the floor. She then collapsed in the pool of cum and buried her head in her hands.

The priest spoke from a few meters away. “Dagon has mastered the art of making love to humans!” he exclaimed “You very lucky Hailey. The first dozen tries my master couldn’t understand how fragile we humans are. However, he was wise to save his favorite choice for last.”

The tentacles withdrew from the chamber into the water and the man read the book, as she did so Hailey said that the vision of her began to swim and that she had strange visions. When she finished, she felt as if she was watching herself from the water, through otherworldly senses. She was still dressed like she was before the whole ordeal started, though her clothes were just as dirty and unkempt as her hair. She felt that she could perfectly see every little detail of the scene, and also see things like heat and smell wafting through the air.

“What have you done to me?” she choked.

The priest smiled, “I have only helped Dagon, the magic comes from him. Think of me as the shepherd, I just married you to my lord.”

Hailey shook her head, “That’s crazy! How can I marry this freak of nature!”

The priest sighed, “Relax, Mrs. Dagon, or perhaps I should call you Queen Hailey?” The man laughed hysterically, as if at some clever joke.

Hailey looked up at the ceiling and saw that the chains had not been treated kindly over the years in this damp, salty chamber. She twisted her body around and pushed her feet against the post. Both chains snapped and she fell backward, grunting as she fell to the ground. The Deep Ones looked at each other, uncertain what to do with her captive now that she was also her lord’s wife. The priest laughed again as if he were amused, but suddenly he choked as Hailey swung her left arm around and slapped him across the face with the chain she dangled. She ran to the stunned man and jumped onto her back, wrapping the chain around her neck. They fell to the ground, and Hailey screamed in rage as she tried to wrest the life from the mad priest.

However, she suddenly felt suffocated. She was ripped from the panting form of her enemy as a tentacle of penis snaked around her arm. She moved under her shirt quickly. She screamed as she looked down and saw a dozen or more of those tentacles moving around her, one seizing each of her limbs, squeezing her tight, more twisting around her chest, rubbing along her crack, they even seemed to tickle his armpits.

The priest stood up and spoke to the Deep Ones: “We should go, my brothers, and let these two lovebirds be alone.” At this, the congregationHe filed out of the room, leaving Hailey and her husband to consummate the marriage.

Hailey was drawn to the water and for a moment she thought she would be swamped, but the thing left her on the edge of the pool. The two xxx clips suction cups attached themselves to either side of her neck and she felt a sensation of pure pleasure as they worked on her. She now she knew why the oriental woman had begun to enjoy the assault. The cupping dampened her skin and produced sensations she had never experienced before as Dagon tested the range of her senses. They moved all over her body, the intensity of her action rising at times to make her scream, but then she quickly receded into comfortable or at least bearable ranges.

They lifted her up to a sitting position and she saw the spiky tentacle of her waiting before her face. She stared at him as the mass of tentacles beneath her clothing worked on her body. She then felt a wordless command to suck him. She shook her head.

“I won’t…ah…fuck you…”

The command came again. Like an impulse inside her, but put there from the outside. she yelled at him.


Her will lasted what seemed like hours, she told me, but she was sure it couldn’t have been more than thirty minutes, not that it wasn’t a short time to fight the torture she describes. Her suckers did much more than suck. They left lines of transparent fluid that burned her skin with needs and feelings that no human being should have. Toward the end her hips humped the empty air, yearning to be filled with cock.

She sobbed as she leaned forward and began to kiss the slimy thing. She licked up and down the first foot of her length, nipped at it lightly and licked the hole, which rewarded her by oozing profusely and moving forward, letting her wrap her lips around it. She felt like she would vomit as her mind argued with itself. A part of her saw her mind slipping and begged her head to stop swinging on the disgusting stick. As she swallowed a mouthful of the goo that flowed from her mouth, that voice grew smaller and smaller until her body became a willing toy for Dagon.

She barely felt her clothes being taken from her as the whole world of her focused on pleasing her lord. The big tentacle rubbed against her crotch, and she vaguely remembered a time when she had been with a man who wasn’t as big as that thing and how she had hurt her, but her mind lost the idea why. that mattered as a problem. The suction tentacle found her clit and played with it as the large tentacle slid between her buttocks, spreading them apart and coating her anus with her liquid.

Without warning, the tentacle in her mouth began to ejaculate. She swallowed every drop of it, the flow seeming to slow just for this purpose. He slid out of her mouth and placed a quick kiss on the tip of her, licking up a drop she still dangled there, before she pulled away from her.

“Oh Dagon…” she whispered, “Take me my lord.”

The large tentacle pressed against her anus. She shook her head.

“Not there, my lord, please, I want you to give me his son.”

She felt Dagon reassure her that she would, and she looked down to see another large member pressing against her wet cunt. She growled as both large members began to press into her, going nowhere at first.

“Ah, DAGON!” Hailey tried to get to her feet to run as pain pierced the haze of her mind, but smaller tentacles grabbed her legs and flung them wide. She screamed and struggled, rolling on the floor until her head hit the wall.

She got to her feet and tried to scale the wall, seeing some light above, but the effort was desperate and hopeless. The tentacles pulled her down and pressed her against the wall. She cried out as first her vagina and then her anal orifices could no longer resist the intrusion, opening painfully as she was penetrated.

She yelled at herself horse over the next few minutes. Two huge moving tentacles protruded from her private parts as she leaned against the wall crying. They pushed her forward, her tits bruising as they hit the rough rock. Dagon fucked her against the wall with all of her experience gained from her breaking human women. She knew how much pain she could take without passing out, and she slowed her down when xxx porn free she felt her lose control of consciousness. He hurt her in the most agonizing way she could without harming her body.

She felt her juices drip down the inside of her thighs each time the cock in her pussy shot deeper with one long stroke. The thing tearing at her ass was so big that her buns were clenched tightly on either side and she felt them move as she fucked him.get off your ass Sometimes they would sync up and plunge into its depths as one, then they would change gears and their bodies would shake and juggle against the wall as they pounded at it at different rates.

Then she began to feel other feelings. She fainted for a moment, not from her pain but from an orgasm that seemed to come as much from herself as she experienced through her bond with Dagon. She could feel him penetrating her as her ass spasmed around her own cock, she could taste her own juices on her suckers. She felt that they were her own tentacles and she was violating herself, though she had no control over them.

She realized that through the link, Dagon could feel her pain as well. It wasn’t just simple torture, but some kind of sadomasochistic odd couple in which Dagon experienced pleasure and pain through the eyes of a human.

Hailey turned around and was lifted onto her feet on her back, her legs raised in the air. She watched as they pounded her pussy stretched out from her as the human tentacle made a figure 8 on her chest, squeezing it hard. The suction cups were placed on her nipples and began to suck hard. She lay panting, her body growing weary of her as she tried to catch her breath. She came repeatedly until she finally felt herself being filled with cum. She came out of her vagina and ran down her chest, passing between her tits. She licked it greedily when she got close enough to her mouth. She leaked out of her anus as well, spilling onto her quivering buttocks.

All of her tentacles withdrew except the largest of hers that she had taken vaginally from her. He pressed to her face and she took him in her hands, kissing the tip of her lovingly, thrusting her tongue into the wide hole like a passionate French kiss.

A Deeper returned later and picked her up, carrying her exhausted to her room. The oriental woman, Ms. Wu, was lying on the bed. Hailey moved to her side and Wu turned to her. Hailey thought about how she had thought the woman was a freak for coming from her assault. The woman looked at her now with shame, as if she had been caught doing something dirty. If Mei had seen Hailey’s performance in the bridal chamber, of course, she would have been surprised.

They crawled under the covers together and held each other, crying through the night. Height When morning came, the priest entered the room and inspected the two women. He frowned and left. Two more days passed, both women fed well and left alone, the Oriental woman putting on some clothes from the dresser, but Hailey opting to remain naked, perhaps just wanting to be as miserable as possible.

In her dreams they talked to Dagon, but Mrs. Milleson didn’t talk about the dreams on those nights. Considering the horrors she had already told me, these dreams must have been truly grotesque.

On the third day both girls were brought back to the chamber where Dagon brought them again in the same manner as I have already related. After that, the priest came and examined them closely. Looking rather disappointed, he announced that Dagon had failed to impregnate either of them, both naturally and with the help of spells on Mrs. Milleson.

Hailey couldn’t believe her ears when he told them that she would be released. Ms. Wu received shocking news for another reason: she would stay and be the breeding mother of the Deep Ones. She cried and screamed as two of the beasts entered the room and right there began their first attempt to impregnate her.

She was dressed in quite a modest and beautiful dress. She had put on makeup and bathed perhaps trying to forget how dirty she had been. It was a vision of a life in the Far East where comfort and beauty awaited, but in this dungeon the brutes had no respect for her modesty or even her sanity. They tore her clothing to shreds, exposing the flesh of her round behind to them. They pushed her onto the bed into Hailey’s lap, startled. Mei looked at Hailey with pleading eyes, but there was nothing she could do. One of them pulled her red panties away from her while the other lined up her cock with her pussy.

Hailey wrapped her arms around her mate as the thing began to pound into her pussy. Her claws dug into her bottom and she clung to the sheets. Her face fell into Hailey’s bare chest and Hailey felt her breath on her tits. There was a flutter in her groin and she felt Dagon watching the scene through her eyes. Her corrupt thoughts twisted hers and she reached out and grabbed Mei’s hair.

“OH!” Mei yelled as Hailey cruelly pulled back her hair, “What are you doing? NO!”

Hailey pushed the woman’s head against her right breast and ordered her to lick.

“Please, why are you doing this to me…” Hailey saw thepain in the woman’s eyes caused by this betrayal. The only sane person he had been able to talk to in the last few days was now abusing her like the monsters. Hailey felt disgusted with herself, but she couldn’t stop horrible impulses from taking over.

She twisted her victim’s hair in her hands until she relented and began to suckle on her breast. Hailey sighed and ran her fingers through the hair of the woman crying for her. As her arousal grew, she forced Mei to lower her head, until she was rubbing her pussy on Mei’s face. Mei licked her slit as her face was pressed against another woman’s wetness from the penetration she was receiving from the Deep One, whose name seemed quite xxx porn videos literal at the time.

The Deep lasted a long time. By the time she pulled her dwindling meat from Mei, Hailey had flipped her over and sat on her face, bringing her to several orgasms and even turning around to force Mei’s head between her buttocks and make her eat herself. to the queen of the Deep Ones. Idiot.

Mrs. Wu was bent over the nightstand with the second creature starting her turn in her pussy as Mrs. Milleson was led away, Mei’s panties were ripped off completely as the Deep started fucking her from behind her. Hailey had now come to and watched the scene in horror, covering her ears to block out her screams.

* * *

In Arkham Asylum I sat across from this woman, my mind racing to comprehend everything she had just told me. There was a tape recorder in my pocket, and I knew I would be going through it dozens of times, pulling it out for information on my enemy. I stood up, full of nervous energy, and began to pace and speculate.

“Dagon…” I muttered, “Dagon doesn’t sleep… and spends his time taking women from all over the world… only women who can drink the seed of the Deep Ones. Being able to drink their horrible sperm must be an indicator that a woman can handle hers. And then she picks her favorites to try to get pregnant, using the ones she doesn’t like to practice on…”

It sounded crazy. It was a crazy, ridiculous story, and she had no idea what Dagon was hoping to gain from some bizarre program to deliver a human child. It was then that I realized that the fact that his plan didn’t make sense to me made that plan sensible for an Elder. I believed every word of Hailey’s story.

“Do you still hear it in your dreams?” I asked.

She nodded, “Every night. He tells me… that he can’t wait to see me again, that if he corrects the magic he’ll send someone for me.”

I looked at her darkly, “So is that why you want to kill yourself?”

She nodded.

I took out a piece of chalk and began to draw on the ground. Hailey sat up in bed and looked at me.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“I’m going to make a portal and get us out of here.”

Hailey watched me perform the ritual and call the portal. For two weeks she stayed with me, I taught her the fight, our fight against the Ancients, to protect humanity. At first, I thought she had a good new recruit. I thought she would eventually teach her to block Dagon, but one day I found her sneaking out into the night.

“Where are you going?” I demanded.

She looked at me sadly, “I have to go. As long as I’m here, you’re in danger, Dagon can always find me, we’re connected.”

“If you go, he will find you.” I told.

She nodded, “I’ve been thinking about it. If he doesn’t have me, he’ll find a replacement, he’ll have his Deepers rape who knows how many women to bring him dozens of candidates, they’ll all suffer in my place.”

I frowned, “You can’t change that.”

She shook her head, “Yes I can, I can get back to him.”

she admired her. I was ready to walk into hell to protect myself and others. She was a rare person. Dagon had searched the world for an extraordinary xxx sex human to be her bride, and I must say this for Dagon, he knows how to choose her.

With great regret I approached her as if to say goodbye to her and took out my pistol. He couldn’t let her return to Dagon. Whatever her motives, I must thwart them. If some must suffer, so be it, for my duty is to protect not a few dozen or a few hundred, but the world of man himself. Her death was painless, a clean shot to the head.

I buried her in a shallow grave in the woods, but marked her with a cross and said a prayer to ease my own troubled conscience. A few days later I had the dream.

A Deep One was walking down a torchlit corridor with a platter of boiled fish and oysters. His webbed feet patted the damp rock as he hurried to bring the food to his mistress. I saw her in a beautiful room, sitting on a chair in front of a nightstand. On his head was a reef crown, gleaming in the torchlight. Beside him, a Chinese woman was sitting on the ground rubbingI walk Hailey’s feet.

She was several months pregnant.

On Hailey’s forehead was a round scar.

I tried to tell myself this was just a dream, but I know Dagon sent it to me to taunt me, because the next day I went and dug up Hailey’s grave, only to find it empty.

Benefits of Board Room Software

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The right aboard room computer software will streamline your board’s workflow. It can reduce prepare time, save money on printing and shipping, and improve appointment planning.

It can allow you to check tasks and follow-ups, as well as incorporate voting, table approvals, studies, and other features into your appointments. It will also assist you to manage the agenda and distribute paperwork to team members upfront.

The right alternative will also come with an easy-to-use interface, so you can concentrate on the work at hand. It will also include plenty of technology support and training resources.

A good program will take care of your documents from theft, ensuring that they are really always designed to everyone exactly who needs these people. It will also offer different amounts of write get for individuals so that you can control board succession plan what facts directors present to staff.

Some other benefit that the data gets instantly encrypted so it is guaranteed that nobody will be able to access it. This is an important feature of any cybersecurity strategy, hence you’ll want to ensure that the plank portal you choose uses this technology.

What’s more, your team should be able to take advantage of the program from any kind of device or system (iOS, Android, Home windows, MacOS, Kindle Fire). They’ll be able to review materials on their own terms when, and they’ll experience a record of every decision.

Moreover, board room software will provide your crew with a coordinate of other valuable features that will make these people more effective in the boardroom and on the responsibility. These include:

How to Conduct a Board Area Review

Posted By : 68 0

A mother board room is a place where key decisions are created that could affect the entire business. It is also in which important discussions occur with shareholders plus the general public. These kinds of rooms can be very important for companies and should contain all of the essential appliances that is important to conduct a meeting in level of privacy.

The most important things to consider when choosing a board bedroom are it is size, site, and availability. It should have enough space for a lot of board participants and should become soundproofed.

Boardroom review is a vital tool that should be applied regularly by simply boards of directors to assess their strengths and weaknesses. It is a process that can take those form of questionnaires or selection interviews and should become administered by an independent facilitator.

It should be executed at least every 36 months, incorporating a definite strategy of followup actions. A mother board room assessment should take the proper execution of an goal and methodical analysis of areas of competence and weaknesses, highlighting any gaps in knowledge and experience.

Managing boardroom meetings slightly and enhancing decision-making with the obligation tools can produce a difference to your business. With Board Intellect, you can build a paperless environment just where your group and shareholders can access all the essential information in a single place. You are able to share documents with ease, hold on-line meetings and perhaps vote electronically!

Creating a panel presentation that is compelling and effective needs a new attitude. This is where a best of particular breed of dog presentation template will let you create a video or graphic and rational flow that resonates with your plank of owners.

The length of time Should Web business Records End up being Keep?

Posted By : 67 0

Record-keeping may be a key part of running any business. It may help you manage your income and expenditures, monitor the fitness of your business, make financial audits easier and prepare taxes better. But it can be quite a daunting task.

The INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE recommends that you keep almost all documents essential to meet duty requirements meant for extremely three years, but it is important to understand how long different types of records should be kept and whether they has to be stored in paper or digital format. This will help you prevent litigation, succession planning problems and the wrath of the tax person.

A good record-keeping system includes a diary and ledger for checking all of your business trades. These periodicals should possess information about the organization activity displayed on your encouraging documents, such as receipts and invoices.

Sales log: This log will need to contain specifics about each sales, including the night out of the sales, type of service or product and how much you purchased. It also should include a list of customers and the quantity they owe you.

Accounts receivable record: This log should comprise information about each customer who have owes you money meant for goods or services your business delivered. It may also include a list of customers who also should not be presented credit because of to past failure to pay for.

Business expenses log: This kind of log ought to contain information about every single expense your business incurs, such as rent, power and incomes. It should have a list of expenses that you just deduct while business bills.

Data Room Technology and Their Uses

Posted By : 63 0

Data room technologies help to securely shop, share and collaborate upon corporate paperwork. They are utilized for a variety of functions, including M&A, capital raising, and IPO.

Virtual data areas offer a protected platform to store private files, because they use strong encryption methods. They also enable you to restrict get and document permissions. Users can watermark delicate files, deactivate screenshots and track downloads.

These features make VDRs much more reputable and practical than traditional file sharing expertise. They’re especially valuable when it comes to private or proprietary facts that can not be shared not having permission.

Lifestyle science firms often use intellectual home, so they must ensure that their processes and products are placed secure at all times. This means utilizing a VDR to store clinical trial outcomes and other delicate documents that must be protected.

Accounting firms also need a safe place to store and exchange fiscal data, which is where a VDR can be handy. These companies may also use a VDR to share accounts and audits with clientele.

Legal and consultancy businesses also need a secure space to store and exchange confidential documents. They can use a VDR to store and share secret data, such as patents and legal legal agreements.

The unwavering property market requires a large amount of documentation to end up being exchanged, which could be difficult to carry out without a protected system. The best online data rooms provide a high level of secureness to keep your data safe and confidential, which is the reason they’re a popular choice.

AVG Technologies Antivirus security software Software Assessment

Posted By : 64 0

Avg technologies anti virus software presents high-quality coverage for your computer system and mobile phones. It’s free and has an easy-to-use program that lets you customize how the software operates, from notifications in diagnosing occurrence.

Its malware scanner uses equipment learning and a big via the internet database to detect and remove hazards, including malware, worms, rootkits, and cryptojackers. In addition, it protects against dangerous downloading and improvements, and it can coop potentially damaging programs quickly so that users can take power over their peersonal data.

One of the biggest dangers to users’ privacy is scam attacks. AVG is well-equipped to eliminate them with it is LinkScanner, which checks websites in real time prior to they can available. It also incorporates a multi-layer approach to finding phishy e-mail and a data shredder that deletes any kind of files that leave records of your private information.

The interface is simple and intuitive, with an overview of the current verification, a list of the devices, and quick access to the many used features. There’s also a ‘Last scan’ gauge and a ‘Tuneup’ menu that allows you to clean up rubbish files and boost your device’s performance.

AVG Technologies offers good customer service. There are FAQs, forums, and community suggestions on the website. There is not any technical smartphone support, but email and online conversation are available.

A man with a past, with no ties to anyone, makes a surprising discovery that changes his life and his perception of it.

Posted By : 63 0

A man with a past, with no ties to anyone, makes a surprising discovery that changes his life and his perception of it.

“The Planet is calling, sir. They are saying they are ready to talk,” the computer said.

“Tell them they’ve pissed me off. Tell them I’m deciding whether or not to kill a few million more before I settle down.” Risen said with a smile creeping across his features.

“They responded by saying that they were radical forces on the mainland. You still have permission to land,” the computer hd porn video said.

An almost evil smile spread across Risen’s face as he considered what the Xetherans had said. He then went over everything his grandfather had written about them.

“I want you to target the other three buildings around the central capital building. I want full power, full eradication of said three buildings. I don’t want anything left standing, then maybe they’ll start taking me seriously,” Risen said.

“Compliance,” said the monotone voice from the computer.

Immediately, three bolts launched from Risen’s ship. The Xetherans raised a shield that the lightning quickly overpowered.

There were several angry transmissions from the planet, though Risen ignored them, laughing with glee. The more the buildings seemed to melt, the more dizzy Risen became.

A few minutes later, they received a single signal. “I’m getting a signal from Queens for help, your response?” asked the computer.

“I’ll talk to the Queen, or I’ll target some of the military extensions on the planet. They have a porn video very small window for this before I start drawing down the army,” Risen said.

There was a momentary pause, then a very authoritative voice spoke, “Greetings, fellow brood. It’s good to once again speak to one with power, let us avenge our people.”

“My partner has told me about the people. I am sure that his thirst to go back up to the stars is great. Those who have done this to your people and mine have reared their heads again. I have plans for your ships. , your replicators, power sources and engines. I have enough plot to get you started. I warn the whole planet what I have done so far. It’s not even half my power.”

There was a long pause, then the same voice spoke, “it’s understood, you can land in the capital…”

“I guess not,” Risen laughed, he wasn’t that stupid. He trusted no one, especially the three races his family had kidnapped for future use. Fortunately, his great-grandfather and his grandfather had kept the well-documented notes in them. “You will come to me, you know that I am very heavily armed.”

“Understood, we’ll be there in no time,” the voice said as he cut the connection.

Risen chuckled as he began to charge the personal shield generator. A check showed that he had extra power packs. Looking at the power output, he quickly changed the shield to one twice as powerful. He hadn’t survived this long without making sure. He had almost made that mistake with that rotten father excuse of his.

Satisfied, he moved to the door to await the arrival of the Xetherans, the royal guard. They were the only xxx videos ones who thought they could take him and his ship. When they got closer, he shook his head. There were about a hundred other dead, plus these were the best.

“Set the defense parameters to ten meters, anything entering that area must be vaporized, understood?” said Risen.

“Compliance, sir, all evaporated,” the computer replied.

Risen could see the powerful aliens as they approached. Hmmmm Risen thought, as they stopped outside the defense area. “Increase the field to twice the destructive power,” Risen ordered.

“Compliance,” the computer replied, as there was a momentary power surge.

Risen nodded as he finally opened the hatch, stepping out. His eyes widened when he saw that there were over two hundred grey-skinned humanoids, over two meters tall. Hell, they could almost pass for a tall, gray human. Well, except they didn’t have a nose in the human sense, plus his eyes were three times the size of a human’s.

He quickly moved to the edge of the field, then off of it. Here it comes, he thought, as all of his automatic weapons activated. At first, there were only about ten who fired. They quickly disintegrated into a fine ash.

Once again Risen shook his head at how stupid and military these idiots were. He watched as the first layer, about a hundred, disappeared in a minute.

The air had a thick cloud of dust that floated up to five feet from Risen and then fell to the ground. Damn, Risen thought, glad he’d added that automated system while we were in transit.

A moment later, the rest of those who remained opened fire thinking they were safe at a greater distance. They were mThey were sorely mistaken when the automation started taking out the last few left.

A look at his wrist communicator. she showed that they weren’t coming anymore. A tap on it opened a channel. Taking live porn video a breath, Risen spat. “I guess the loss of the four buildings around the central hive wasn’t enough. Besides, the complete loss of the royal guard was nothing to you. I think it’s time to destroy the pair. You’ve seen my power well, half.” I will level this ball of mud, plus everything in it.”

A long hiss, from the Queen, came from the comlink. “That won’t be necessary, you have destroyed many who spoke against you. Come to the hive, no one else will try to stop you.”

“I hope the death of the many who were trying to stop me is over. Does everyone need to know that anymore? It will result in many more being destroyed,” Risen said, anger in his voice.

“Everything will be broadcast, there should be no more,” the Queen said.

Risen turned on the antigravity, something else he’d added, lifting him one foot off the ground. Moving much faster, Risen saw that the city was fast approaching. Slightly surprised, he saw almost no one on the streets as he approached the hive’s central building.

He entered the hive building, heading straight for the center of the hive. Within minutes, he was at the entrance to the Queen’s residence.

“So unlike the previous partner, you have actually appeared before us. I must say that for being so powerful, you are really small. Perhaps we should try…” The Queen began.

Immediately twenty of the men around the room, including many who were in hiding, fell to the floor dead.

“Maybe I should destroy the other forty that are still alive?” Risen said as another twenty fell to the ground, a hole through their chests.

“How…” the Queen began.

“I get tired of the games people play. You’ve lost quite a few on this continent alone. Perhaps the hd sex video loss of an entire continent will be enough,” Risen said as he turned to leave.

“This was not the work of the people, many of those who thought to usurp my power, you have eliminated. Therefore, I am in your debt, as are the people,” said the Queen.

Risen turned around slowly with a smile on his face. “So, you say it wasn’t your doing, prove it, kill the rest here,” Risen raised her hand to calm the Queen down. “Do it or I’m leaving, without leaving technology or anything.”

The Queen looked at the last of the remaining males, one in particular. Risen did not go unnoticed, as hundreds of energy weapons were fired at those who remained.

Within moments, there were nineteen smoldering and smoking remains of bodies on the ground.

An evil smile curved Risen’s lips as he heard a gasp from the Queen. “I hope this isn’t one of the traitors, if so. I’ll make this ball of mud a smoldering ember.”

The Queen could only stare at the last of her companions, “it’s understood.”

Damn, that felt so good! Risen thought: “I will return to my ship, I will download everything you need, including full hd porn video the plot. However, it is only enough to start, as I remember, you only need a few hands full.”

“It will be good, again, to take to the stars, our birthright,” said the Queen.

“So what if they attack me again on the way back? Won’t you want revenge if I destroy them all?” said Risen.

“No, indeed, you will be doing us a favor by getting rid of more traitors,” the Queen said.

Risen turned away with an incredulous smile. He estimated killing at least a few hundred more. A check of his personal shield was down twenty percent. Barring an all out attack, he should make most of the way back.

A step outside the door proved him right. Rising up with the antigravity, he was attacked by at least thirty. They were almost all dead when he began to pick up speed.

Just outside of town, he saw a great gathering. He quickly stopped adding another power pack, and nearly got his head shot off. A moment later, he got up again with very heavy weapons that started shooting at him.

A warning let him know that the heavy weapons were consuming much more energy than he thought. Landing, he watched as the automated system began to take out the front half of those shooting at it.

Another caveat, he had him remove the nearly spent pack and add another. A growl tore from his throat as he added two, then watched in glee as hundreds more that had appeared were also destroyed.

Shit, he thought, better go back, to my last two. Finally reaching the probe ship, Risen ordered all the items he knew the Xetherans would need.

Relaxed in his seat, Risen called to the Queen, “everything is here and ready, good hunting.”

“Wait, aren’t youyou…” the Queen began.

“No, you have what you need,” Risen said as the ship began to ascend. Then he shook his head when she saw that the planet had an active track on him. A crooked smile appeared on her face. “Track all weapons, destroy everything.”

“Active target. I have identified no less than a hundred missile sites. Deploying all physical and energy weapons. Fifty teen porn launch sites destroyed, all missiles that have been launched have been destroyed. On target to destroy the rest,” he said Computer.

“Okay, accelerate to orbit,” Risen said gleefully, watching all the sites explode.

“Now accelerate… warningg, warning, a weapon has alluded to countermeasures. Impact in one minute, prepare for collision,” the computer voice said.

“Increase shields, guide lock,” Risen yelled.

“Shields full, warning, warning,” the computer said.

“Oh shit!” Risen said as the missile struck the shield, knocking the ship off its projected course.

“I told you that I would reply to you after this is all over. I don’t think I can wait that long.” This caused Bee to look at Hartwell, her eyes wide with astonishment. Hartwell looked deep into her eyes, “I’m realizing that the thought of being without you is starting to terrify me.”

Bee’s face was shocked, her mouth had dropped open, unable to speak. “You… want to join me?”

“Yeah Bee, join me, be my partner,” Hartwell said.

Bee, still shocked, could only stare, then began to nod, yes, vigorously.

The nearby Lucie had tears falling from her eyes. Finally, her brother had found someone.

“Mary? Johnathon?” Hartwell asked, “How effective is this cure you came up with?”

Mary’s hologram appeared next to Bee as a pale green light emitted from the nearby console. The light began to sweep up and down Bee’s body a few times.

“All the scans no longer show any adverse effects from the injection. What she has as blood is ninety-nine percent free of all live porn video the chemicals that influence her. I’m also reading that any compulsions she may have had are gone.” said Mary’s face. saying.

“I think what she said is true, I no longer feel the need for what we had to have almost every day. Sir sir?” Bee asked, “Am I truly free?”

Hartwell was about to answer when he saw her sister crying. “Lucie? Are you okay?” He said to her as he ran towards her sister.

Lucie, almost overcome with emotion, hugged her brother. “Ok? My God! I’m better than fine. I never thought she’d see you like this again. I thought I lost you.” She here she walked herself with Hartwell over to the biological bed that Bee was on. Holding Bee in surprise, she whispered, “Thank you, thank you for helping my brother to be who she was.”

Still shocked, Bee pulled Lucie away from her. “No, I want to thank you, my lord lord’s sister. I thought he would never bond with me. Although everything the chemist did to me is gone, we are made in such a way that we HAVE to bond within a certain amount of time.” When a woman loses her bond, we only have a small amount of time to reunite.”

“THAT?!!” Lucie yelled, looking at her brother. In a low, almost breathless voice, Lucie growled. “I was sure killing all the males was wrong, now? I totally agree!”

Hatwell’s eyes widened as he could only look at his sister for a moment. “Yes, I know how you feel, afraid that the commander will not let us.”

“I think we should see if we can change his mind. Maybe,” Lucie said thoughtfully for a moment. “Perhaps the Empress can change her mind, then again.” Hartwell could only shake her head as Lucie walked away from her, discussing a plan with herself.

“You’ll soon be out of the biological bed. I’m sure Johnathon is making sure you’re truly cured before letting you go,” Hartwell said.

Bee was about to speak when there was a flash next to Hartwell. Derrick’s face appeared, making Bee cringe again.

“She’s still terrified of me,” Derrick said. Behind Hartwell they could hear Bee, wailing over the terrible beast emperor.

“Well sir, she’s been taught her whole life that the emperor of our galaxy would eat them alive. That he had great jerk porn video power to pierce the evil blinking eye, that it would destroy all his people. Hell, I’m surprised she He’s not trying to hide,” Hartwell said.

Derrick sighed, “I thought we made progress here. So, Mary said the antidote worked.”

“However, yes sir, I still want to go to her planet, to kill every one of those bastards masculine,” Hartwell growled.

Derrick noted the look of extreme anger on the faces of Hartwell and his sister.

“I’m sure you knew he was going to deny that. Before you think about going halfway, Johnathon can’t go there,” Derrick said.

“Yeah, I figured so, but we have to do something,” Hartwell said.

A thin smile played on Derrick’s lips, “Oh, believe me, there’s something in the works. It’s bad enough that I have to do what’s been imposed on me.”

“What about the heir?” Hartwell asked.

Derrick could only shake his head, “what the hell? Do you all know this?”

“No, I was informed as next in command that this could happen. I have decided to link up with Bee,” Hartwell said.

“Uh, you know what this entails, right?” Derrick asked.

“Most of it, yeah, that’s what Johnathon is working on. Right now, we can only mentally link. The chemical part, though it’s half-resolved? It would kill full porn videos us both, in a minute and a half. Fortunately, the aspect will disappear.” hold it for a long time. So while there’s not much of a rush, we need to find a balance soon,” Hartwell said.

Derrick turned to Mary, “I’m using most of the data I’ve collected. We’ve managed to derive half a solution from the cure we developed for Bee. Interestingly, some of that cure came from Admiral Hartwell’s body. Apparently, the partial mental link has changed his and hers chemical composition. Sir, this may be the chameleon race the imperial records speak of.”

Derrick’s mouth hung open about to speak when a female voice spoke from behind Derrick. “The chameleon race? The same one that the third emperor sent to the next galaxy?”

“Yes, Empress, I believe they are one and the same,” Maria said.

“Query,” Shelby asked.

“Proceed, Empress,” said Mary.

“With the readings you’ve gathered, has enough time passed for Bee and the others to descend from them?” Shelby asked.

“Correlating all the data. This may take some time. I’ll let you know the moment I’ve deduced an answer,” Mary said.

Derrick’s mouth was still open in surprise, then he closed it as he realized that Shelby was much smarter than he had thought. Just as she had thought before, her knowledge and wit were beginning to match his own.

Hartwell tried to hide the smile that was trying to creep onto his face. So, he thought, he wasn’t the only one who had problems with the opposite sex. Nodding, he thought that was good to know.

However, Derrick was not unaware of the change in Hartwell’s face. “This is not an opportunity for you to use later, Admiral.”

Hartwell’s face suddenly turned into a non-displayed poker face, “no sir, don’t even think about that.”

Derrick’s face showed his doubt, “Do you want to be out of it all again? As I remember last time, you hated it so much. Sort of like being indian porn locked in a biological bed.” At that, Derrick looked at the younger man and his daughter still in the bio beds, shivering. “Keep me posted through Mary.” Then Derrick disconnected.

Derrick could only shake his head, remembering that his old friend Mita had quite a temper. He even now he could see the petite Asian woman fuming, looking at her husband, arms folded.

Looking toward the doorway, he saw that his own wife had an almost angry and puzzled look on her face. Again, he shook his head, then her gaze turned to Mita and Gunther’s daughter as she moaned.

“Shelly!? How are you feeling?” Mita said as he ran to Shelly’s side.

The girl’s eyes widened, “Mom?” The girl said, “Is dad okay? I saw him fall after he touched me. Does the lady see through the lady?” Shelly said to Mary’s hologram. “If she adjusts the power output to 3000 amps less, it should provide a balance to the DIMT, as you call it.”

Mary looked straight ahead for a moment, then nodded slightly. “The data indicates that this will offset the excess energy, thank you Miss Shelly.”

“Shelly darling, you shouldn’t do that, you know it overloads your system,” Mita said, extremely worried.

“Okay mom, I made some modifications to the nanites. Now they won’t allow an excess like now unless it’s absolutely necessary. Also, does the miss see through the madam?” Shelly said.

“Yes, Miss Shelly?” Maria said.

“I’ve seen the data you’re working on. I can see with ninety-nine percent clarity that the Tendraxians are indeed the chameleon race,” Shelly said, a slight strain on her face. “Can I have a data entry panel?” Like Derrick, her little fingers flew almost like a blur. “That should help, it’s bedtime. Don’t worry mom, everything will be fine.”good.” With that, Shelly kissed her mother and then lay back with a sigh.

Mita looked at the readings, then Mary finally turned to Derrick. “My God! He’s worked out the chemical balance, adjusted his nanomites, too,” Mita said desi porn as she walked over to Derrick. “This last section I don’t understand, it seems to be a computer code. Very complicated code, it’s way beyond my level of coding.”

Derrick looked at the code, his eyes widened. My God, he thought to himself, he had written half of this in the last few weeks. Then the damn Tendraxians and the Creagons, invasion. Then, add to that, the Delcrons came looking for Jimison. God, he thought, when the hell were things going to calm down?

Derrick looked at the medical scans, not fully understanding all the readings. To his surprise, it seemed as if Shelly had near-normal brain readings.

Walking over to a nearby panel, Derrick began inputting data at an ever-increasing rate. Shelby stood next to him watching what she was doing, her eyes wide, then tears leaking from them. “How close are you to completely eradicating the virus?” Shelby asked.

Without pausing or looking away, Derrick replied, “Not less than ten percent more. With this, everything but two or three percent will be gone,” Derrick said.

Mary suddenly appeared as Derrick started going in much faster than before. Tears fell from her eyes. “For the first time in ten centuries, I have more, much more than just hope. Thank you, sir,” said Mary.

Still going in at extreme speed, Derrick said, “I told you when we started you that I wouldn’t rest until I could get rid of this. With this, almost all of his commands are open.”

Derrick felt soft female arms wrap around him, a wet spot beginning to grow on the side of his shirt. “This will mark the true beginning of the Empire,” Shelby said.

Finally stopping almost an hour later, Derrick looked at the huge amount of data he had entered. Thinking about it, he was about to say something, but he stopped himself. Even if he had arrived earlier, there really was no way he could have stopped the chief programmer. No, the traitor had been at it for quite some time. Obviously, luckily, Derrick had stopped the last inning.

Derrick could only shake his head as he looked at Shelly. In a few days she had helped him a lot more than he realized. He had been working on everything she had finished. The fact that he had been so busy was his fault. He would have to remember to reward her, her mother and her father, when he finished all the madness.

“So,” Shelby said when Derrick stopped, “just like our subjects, I think you deserve a reward.” Derrick turned to look at Shelby, reward? What hindi porn was she talking about? Without warning, Shelby pressed her lips against Derrick’s, her tongue searching the inside of her mouth. Both of their eyes were wide from the contact, both seemed to be frozen together, shock flowing through them.

What seemed like an eternity later, they pulled apart, feeling as if part of their souls had been torn apart. “Uh,” was all any of them could say. Shelby trembled as they both slid to the ground. A few moments later, they both tried to get up, without success.

Mary, making a throat-clearing sound, seemed to drive them crazy. “Sir? We have a transmission from Colonel Dempsy,” said Mary.

“I made contact with the assassin who was on the emperor’s ship. I managed to capture them, although they have no new information so far. We are preparing the transmission from the Princess, hopefully she will calm the disturbances here.” Kimon said.

Derrick looked at Kimon for a few moments, trying to figure out who the hell was talking to him. A shake of his head cleared most of his head, though she was still a little confused.

“Uh,” Derrick tried to quickly collect his thoughts, “OK.”

“Father?” Kimon asked when he saw the Empress next to Derrick on the ground. Trying not to smile, Kimon said, “I was alerting you to the fact that the ones who send next will be better. I may have to finish them off.”

These words instantly caught Derrick’s attention. “Do what you must, are you almost ready?”

“However, for most of them, after facing a third master? No, the masters would finish them off quickly. I assure you, they can’t pull xnxx porn this off,” Kimon said, a small smile on her lips. “However, the third teacher I faced was quite slow. I think my students will hold their own against the lower ranked ones.”

“Good,” Derrick said, then looked at Kimon. “Not a word of this understood?”

Kimon bowed, hiding a smile, “not a word, sir.”

derrick looked at Kimon intently before nodding and then disconnected.

Less than an hour later, Difina came to the edge of the balcony to give her speech. Kimon was well hidden when she started. Suddenly, he was next to her catching several throwing knives.

There was only a moment’s hesitation before Kimon seemed to disappear. A moment later, Jimison appeared, then he and Difina also seemed to disappear.

The sound of several blows was heard, then several people, in tight clothes, began to fall from the balcony. There was a sound of great outrage as the bodies hit the ground.

Difina and Jimison appeared on opposite sides of the balcony. They both stopped when they saw three men fall unconscious before Kimon.

“So,” said the last man, “you’re much better than we thought.” Too bad you’ll be xnxx hd porn dead soon.”

A slight smile appeared on Kimon’s lips, “Oh, I think you are gravely mistaken. I will show the error of your ways though.”

“They will learn the power of a second level master, these” he indicated to the other three. “They were nothing.”

Kimon smiled slightly and then disappeared. Immediately the sounds of loud banging were heard, then a few bangs. A moment later, they both appeared. Delcron’s clothing was torn, plus he was panting slightly.

Kimon could only shake her head. Damn, this male was as slow as the rest.

The potency of Media Promoting

Posted By : 66 0

The Power of Media channels Marketing

The capability of social websites platforms to provide a wide array of connections with customers has turned them an important part of any kind of business. This permits businesses to generate a strong company through users, posts, and interactions with followers, consumers, and influencers. These connectors also permit targeted marketing, customer marriage management (CRM), and the development of “sticky” content material, which helps to drive word-of-mouth advertising simply by enticing clients to share and recommend the business’s products or services with others. As a result, the use of SMM in a business’s online strategy can be effective and cost-effective.

True domination story how James wants to take control of Mary but first he has to suffer.

Posted By : 65 0

True domination story how James wants to take control of Mary but first he has to suffer.

This was a day I had long dreamed of the Mary Goodall bitch that was going to be mine to control.

Roger had passed me a message from Emma offering me the chance to dominate Mary. At first I was skeptical about how one person could control another person’s mind. Roger implied that it wasn’t the only Mary at the adjudication site that she was controlling, but rather most of the female tenants and some of the men.

Roger pointed me to two porn sites where I watched videos of Mary, Julie, and Louise. The videos convinced me and turned me on.

There was a trap. Roger loved me! He was very reluctant and had no idea that Roger was interested in men!

I agreed as my need to dominate Mary outweighed my disgust at the price she would have to pay.

Roger led me to a shed. I am a big, tall and broad man with a slight beer belly and I use my size to intimidate people. I am much taller than Roger, but for the day he was going to dominate me. He closed the shed door behind him.

“Take off your shirt,” he instructed me. I obeyed, pulling the blue shirt over my head. My shoes and socks were next.

“Pants off,” I complied with some hesitation. Roger walked around me in silence, studying my body.

“Underpants off,” with even more lack of enthusiasm I took off my pants and stepped out of them.

“Great man huh,” was all Roger said as he circled me again.

Without warning, he threw a punch that caught me in the groin, and I doubled over in agony.

Roger picked up a length of rope, wrapped it around my wrists, and tied them tight.

“I hate you for all the misery you have brought to this allotment site, all your intimidation of tenants and forcing them off their plots.”

Roger forced me onto a bench and tied my hands on the other side.

“Anything you do to me Mary is going to get it and a whole lot worse,” I stated through clenched teeth.

“That’s his problem,” Roger replied. It would be what I thought.

Roger stepped to the side of me and slammed his palm hard against my buttocks.

The worst was yet to come, I heard him undress and his prick was against my buttocks lining up with my anus. I thought he would slowly slide inside me, but I was wrong. He pushed me back and with a hard blow that made me scream, he shoved his whole cock into my ass, no lube or relief. He made me cry. In my eyes, another experience that would represent Mary!

Roger was going in and out of my anus, his thighs hitting my buttocks, it went on for an eternity, I felt violated and humiliated. Male to male sex was never for me and never would be. With a grunt, Roger finished fucking me and his cum shot into my ass.

I thought that would be the end of it, but no, hunched over the bench with my wrists tied to it, I couldn’t stop Roger’s abuse of me. He grabbed a garden spade from a shelf, shoved the handle up my ass, and spent several minutes fucking me with it.

Roger was next to me with a metal clamp in his hand from which he dangled a piece of wire with a large weight hanging from the wire. I was puzzled at first, I thought he soon realized his intention. Roger knelt under the bench, opened the clamp, and attached it to my cock. The metal teeth dug into my cock and I heard myself groan in pain, though that pain was nothing compared to the searing agony as he released the weight that was clamped on. It felt like my whole dick was coming out of my body! Roger left him hanging there, he was seeing stars in front of my eyes, the pain was so intense.

Roger moved behind me and a blindfold covered my eyes. I heard the door to the shed open and the whispers of two more male voices, the voices so low I couldn’t tell who they belonged to. A body moved behind me and another jab was inserted hard into my anus. Every time he pushed his cock inside me, my body moved causing the weight attached to my cock to sway. The agony of my stretched prick was almost unbearable. What helped me through the pain was an image in my head of me attaching metal clamps to Mary’s nipples and holding heavy weights to them, stretching her nipples and imagining the pain it would cause her.

The man behind me filled my ass with his cum and another jab took his place in my ass fucking me for several long minutes before cumming inside me.

The men’s semen flowed from my ass and down the back of my legs.

A pair of hands released the clamp on my cock, relieving the pain. I heard the shed door open and close. Roger took the blindfold off my eyes. I was in the shed alone with him. Roger slapped me hard on the bottom and left the shed, closing the door behind him.

I was just tied up on the bench for what seemed likefucking her, and I was a scout leader I knew a few scouts that would enjoy her body. Roger had left me alone in the shed, I was going to drive steaks into the ground and leave her tied spreadeagled to them in the middle of an empty plot so that everyone could see her and enjoy her de ella body de ella if they wanted to .

Roger returned untied me then walked off with my clothes,

“They will be by your car,” he said. He had to walk naked to my car with several plot holders seeing me, something else Mary would have to do!

Mary looked down at her wrist, the metal hoop from a pair of handcuffs was securely fastened around it, the other hoop hung down loose. Mary knew that if she let Nick fasten it around her de ella’s other wrist she would not be able to move her hands de ella more than about an inch and would be helpless and Nick would be in total control of her.

Mary was confused, she hated Nick she wanted to stab and hit, have him removed from the allotment site, he had caused her so much upset and anger, he had tried to have her evicted from the allotment site and had spread so many untrue stories about her. But also she felt a sense of nervousness that was hard to explain as well as hating him she was wondering what it would be like to be totally dominated by him, she did not know it but through her mind control a thought had been implemented that was triggering her feeling, of maybe it would be exciting to be dominated by Nick.

She had taken several steps down the road towards letting him dominate her. She had written a note stating that provided Nick did not mark her de ella face de ella she was willing to allow him to do whatever he wanted to her. She had signed and dated the note, Mary did not understand why Roger was there until he witnessed the note stating that she Mary had written it of her own free will from her. Roger had then left the shed they were in. Mary had held out her wrist from her and let Nick put the metal hoop around her wrist from her.

She could not explain it she felt aroused at the thought of his domination of her and wondered what he would do to her. Mary looked at Nick nodded and still wondering if she was doing the right thing she brought her wrist up and let Nick fasten the metal hoop around it. She knew now it was too late to go back, she was committed. Nick reached into a bag he had with him and took out a ball gag and pushed it into her mouth de ella and fastened it behind her head de ella.

I took three days to recover from Roger’s use of me.

Despite the videos I was still not a hundred percent certain that Roger was telling me the truth. In hope and preparation, I found four strong wooden stakes and drove them into the ground several yards apart ready for me tying her naked and spreadeagled to them in the middle of the plot. I had three other plot holders who were wanting to fuck her de ella and four of my scouts, already to come at my call de ella. I also had a bag full of rope, chains, handcuffs, a butt plug, large vibrator, nipple clamps with heavy weights for them and a few other toys and the video camera was set up in the corner of the shed.

When Mary arrived silently at the shed I was relieved and excited. I dictated a note for her to write, her de ella giving me permission to abuse her de ella. I wondered if Mary realized there was no end date to the note, I could use her whenever I wanted. Roger witnessed the note and left me with her. She willing let me fasten one hoop of the handcuffs around her left wrist, before I could fasten her right wrist she stepped back, I could see the confusion and conflict on her face, she stood back for about a minute fighting her thoughts and emotions ( I now knew I would win because of her mind control) at last she decided and brought her right wrist up and I fastened it, knowing I had won over the bitch Goodall, she was mine, in my power.

I stood looking at Mary my cock from her swelling in my pants because of the feeling of power from her over her from her.

I knelt in front of her and removed her de ella trainers and white socks from ella. My hands de ella moved up her jeans de ella to the zipper de ella which I pulled down, then I unfastened the button de ella pulled her jeans down and off and had a good view of her knickers de ella.

Standing up I had already planned the next part. With her wrists de ella cuffed together de ella I could not simply pull her t-shirt off de ella. Instead of her I took my gardening knife and slit her shirt down the back of her and with a few more cuts of her her t-shirt of her was cut off her of her. I cut the t-shirt up into small pieces so it was unwearable.

Roger had told me three commands for Mary; one would totally remove her de ella mind control de ella, one would put her fully under my control de ella and one would let me separate her mind de ella from her body de ella so that her body de ella would do my bidding against the will of her mind.

Emma had also visited me and had also told me how I could give Mary three commands of my own that she would always obey.

I stood back ready to enjoy the show and gave her the command de ella that switched her de ella mind control off ella completely.

The shock in her eyes from ella and the jolt that ran through her body from ella was worth everything that Roger had done to me. She triedThis was a day I had long dreamed of the bitch Mary Goodall was going to be mine to control.

Roger had passed me a message from Emma offering me a chance to dominate Mary. I was skeptical at first how could one person control the mind of another person. Roger implied that it was not the only Mary on the allotment site that was controlled but most of the female tenants and some of the men.

Roger pointed me to two pornographic sites where I viewed videos of both Mary, Julie and Louise. The videos both convinced me and turned me on.

There was one catch. Roger wanted me! I was very reluctant and did not have any idea that Roger was interested in men!

I agreed as my need to dominate Mary outweighed my revulsion of the price I was going to have to pay.

Roger led me into a shed. I am a big man, tall broad with a slight beer belly and use my size to intimidate people. I am much taller than Roger but for the day he was going to be dominating me. He locked the shed door behind him.

“Shirt off,” he instructed I complied by pulling my blue T-Shirt off over my head. My shoes and socks came off next.

“Trousers off,” I obeyed with some hesitancy. Roger silently circled round me viewing my body from him.

“Underpants off,” with even more lack of enthusiasm I pulled my pants off and stepped out of them.

“Big man, eh,” was all Roger said circling me again.

With no warning he swung a punch that hit me in the groin, I doubled up in agony.

Roger picked up a piece of rope wrapped it around my wrists and tied them tightly together.

“I hate you for all the misery you have brought to this allotment site, all your bullying of tenants and forcing them off their plots.”

Roger forced me to bend over a bench and tied my hands to the far side off it.

“Anything you do to me Mary is going to get it and far worse,” I declared through gritted teeth.

“That’s her problem from her,” Roger retorted. It would be I thought.

Roger stepped to one sider of me and thwack the palm of his hand from him came down hard on my buttocks.

Worse was to come, I heard him undress and his prick of him was against my buttocks lining up with my arsehole. I thought he would slowly slide himself into me but I was mistaken he pulled me back and in one hard stroke that made me cry out he drove the full length of his prick into my ass, with no lubricant and no easing into me it brought tears to my eyes. Another experience that I would enact on Mary!

Roger was driving himself in and out of my arsehole his thighs slapping against my butt cheeks, it went on for an age, I felt violated and humiliated. Man on man sex was never for me and never would be. With a grunt Roger finished fucking me his cum from him shooting into my ass.

I thought that would be the end but no, bent over the bench with my wrists tied to it I could not end Roger’s abuse of me. He took a gardening trowel from a rack and inserted the handle up my arsehole and spent several minutes fucking me with it.

Roger stood beside me with a metal clamp in his hand from which he hung a piece of wire with a heavy weight hanging from the wire. I was puzzled at first thought he soon realized his intention of him. Roger knelt under the bench opened the clamp and fastened it to my prick. The metal teeth bit into my prick and I heard myself groan at the pain, that pain though was nothing to the searing agony as he let go of the weight that was fastened to the clamp. It felt like my whole prick was pulling from my body! Roger left it hanging there, I was seeing stars in front of my eyes the pain was so intense.

Roger moved behind me and a blindfold covered my eyes. I heard the shed door open and the whispers of two more male voices, the voices were so low I could not identify who they belonged to. A body moved behind me and another prick was inserted hard into my arsehole. Each time he rammed his dick into me my body moved causing the weight fastened to my prick to swing. The agony of my stretched prick was almost unbearable. What helped me to bear the pain was a picture in my head of me fastening metal clamps to Mary’s nipples from her and fastening heavy weights to them stretching her nipples and imagining the pain it would cause her.

The man behind me filled my butt with his cum from him and another prick took its place up my arsehole fucking me for several long minutes before cumming inside me.

The men’s cum was flowing out of my arsehole and down the back of my legs.

A pair of hands unfastened the clamp from my prick easing the pain. I heard the shed door open and close. Roger removed the blindfold from my eyes. I was in the shed by myself with him. Roger gave my buttocks a hard slap and left the shed locking the door behind him.

I was alone tied over the bench for what seemed like several hours but was probably a lot less. I spent the time imagining what would be happening to Mary, I knew I would be fucking her de ella several times both in her vagina and anus de ella, I imagined her sucking de ella my dick de ella. There were at least two plot holders on the site that would enjoy

Which can be Better Webroot Or Avast?

Posted By : 69 0

Which is better webroot or avast?

The two antivirus businesses are well-established and offer an extensive selection. They also offer competitive pricing. Yet , it’s necessary to consider your individual needs and preferences when determining which one is best for you.

What features truly does Webroot experience?

Webroot is an inexpensive antivirus reader that offers coverage for your PC, Mac, Google android, and iOS devices. It also includes a password supervisor and other extra supplies like web protection and system search engine optimization.

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